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[28th Sept] CSS Tea Session & Talk!

By September 26, 2024January 20th, 2025No Comments

Join us on the afternoon of 28th September for tea and conversation! The session will take place at LASALLE College of the Arts, Block C Level 3 #301, 1 McNally Street, Singapore 187940, from 2 – 5PM.

2PM: CSS Member Tea Session
This is part of regular casual meet-up that we organise for existing and potential members to get to know each other, catch up, and just spend some time together! Attendees may opt to bring a food item or beverage for sharing. Of course, you are also free to just turn up and have a good time.

3PM: Talk by Mahakit Mahaniranon
At 3PM, visiting composer, Mahakit Mahaniranon from Thailand, will share his experiences and general concepts on integrating folk music (especially traditional Thai music) with electronic sounds, modular synthesizers and others.

4PM: Panel Discussion
After the talk, we will open the floor to discussion between our speaker, the audience, and a panel of our own CSS composers at 4PM.

As this event has been made possible by the generous support and participation of LASALLE, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, School of The Arts, and Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, students and staff from these organizations may enjoy free entry alongside all CSS members. Entry for all other non-members will be $5.


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