CSS 15th Anniversary Special Feature - Composer of the Month for Sep 2022: Bertram WEE
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Forum for Young Composers – Showcase Concert
Composer of the Month for August 2022: OH Jin Yong Derek
Composer of the Month for July 2022: POW Jun Kai
Composer of the Month for June 2022: Cheow Cai WONG
Composer of the Month for Apr 2022: Kenneth TAY
Composer of the Month for May 2022: Angela Weihan NG
Composer of the Month for Feb 2022: Yan Ee TOH
Composer of the Month for Jan 2022: Joan TAN
Composer of the Month for Dec 2021: DING Jian Han
Catch Us If You Can
Composer of the Month for Nov 2021: Robert CASTEELS
Composer of the Month for Oct: Pete KELLOCK
CSS Composer of the Month for Sep: NG Yu Hng
CSS Composer of the Month for Aug: Albert TAY
CSS Composer of the Month for Jul 2021: Avik CHARI
CSS Composer of the Month for Jun 2021: Alicia DE SILVA
CSS Composer of the Month for May 2021: XIAO Chunyuan
CSS Composer of the Month for Apr 2021: Belinda FOO