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4th CEMIcircles 2019 Call for Works (University of North Texas)

4th CEMIcircles Festival Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theatre (MEIT) Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia (CEMI) University of North Texas 18-19 Oct 2019 (F-Sa)

Call for Works – One submission per composer – Submission Fee: none – Attendance is not required but encouraged – Event dates: 18-19 Oct 2019 (F-Sa) – Deadline: 15 Jun 19 (Sa)

The Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia (CEMI) at the University of North Texas invites electronic music composers of all nationalities and ages to submit works for the 4th CEMIcircles Festival. CEMI is an interdisciplinary center focused on music and arts technologies, hosted within UNT’s Division of Composition Studies. CEMI fosters the integration of electroacoustic music, live performance, video/film, plastic arts, and theater. Since its inception in 1963, CEMI has evolved into a unique creative environment, world-renowned for innovative works and musicians.

The 4th CEMIcircles Festival will showcase recent computer music works on October 18 and 19, 2019. Special emphasis will be given to multichannel works for 36 or fewer loudspeakers, including Ambisonics (up to 5th order), VBAP, Octaphonic, etc. CEMIcircles is also pleased to feature three ensembles in this call for works, the Amorsima Trio (violin, viola, and cello), the Third Inversion Reed Trio (clarinet, saxophone, oboe), and the NOVA ensemble (flute, piano, percussion, alto, soprano, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, violin, viola, and cello). Works written for the full complement of instruments or for subsets of a given ensemble will be accepted. Works submitted for consideration by the ensembles must include a significant electronic element. Works may be submitted for instruments not included here, but performance is not guaranteed unless composers provide their own performers.

Submitted works will be curated and selected by the CEMI personnel, with the assistance of CEMI Director, Panayiotis Kokoras. The concert will take place in the Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theatre, featuring a 36.2 sound dome (see link below), three-screen semi-immersive HD video projection, and full stage customizable lighting including “smart light” units.

Speaker setups at MEIT, CEMI, University of North Texas (extracted from



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