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Association of Composers (Singapore) Presents Compositions Exchange 2019

Esplanade Recital Studio 4 Sep 2019 (W) 7:30 PM Tickets at SGD20 Pre-concert talk (in Chinese): 《马来西亚华人音乐的回溯》, Library@Esplanade, 5:00 PM 滨海湾艺术中心音乐室 九月四日(三) 晚上七点半 票价SGD20 《马来西亚华人音乐的回溯》讲座在滨海湾艺术中心图书馆下午五点正开始

On 4 Sep 2019 (W), as part of the exchange programme between Society Of Malaysian Contemporary Composers (SMCC) & the Association Of Composers (Singapore), 3 composers from SMCC will come to Singapore to showcase their compositions. The composers from SMCC are Dr Wong Chee Wei, Dr Chow Jun Yan & Mr Neo Hup Hiang.

In this music exchange between the two societies, there will be two events. First of all, a pre-concert talk in Chinese, titled Looking Back: Music Compositions By Malaysian Ethnic Chinese Composers 《马来西亚华人音乐的回溯》. Guest speakers are Dr Wong Chee Wei & Mr Neo Hup Hiang. The talk will take place in Library@Esplanade at 5:00 pm.

The main event is the music showcase, titled Compositions Exchange 2019, with a lineup of works from 12 composers. Performers include violinists Siew Yi Li, Nadine Ng, Mac Chang and Elaine Xu; and pianists Wu Lei and Tsai Gin Tsu.

For tickets, you may email to assocofcomposerssg [at] gmail [dot] com .

新加坡作曲家协会将在九月四日(星期三)主办作品创作交流会 2019,与马来西亚当代作曲家协会(SMCC)作曲家呈献新音乐。从SMCC的作曲家有黄志伟博士、赵俊彦博士以及梁学贤先生。

当天将会有两个项目:首先是个讲座,题目是《马来西亚华人音乐的回溯》,由黄志伟博士以及梁学贤先生开讲。讲座将在滨海湾艺术中心图书馆五点正开始。第二就是《作品创作交流会2019》,将在滨海湾艺术中心音乐室晚上七点半开始。这场音乐会将呈现十二名作曲家的作品。表演者包括小提琴手Siew Yi Li、 Nadine Ng、 Mac Chang 和 Elaine Xu,还有钢琴家Wu Lei 和 Tsai Gin Tsu。

购票请联络新加坡作曲家协会。协会的电邮是assocofcomposerssg [at] gmail [dot] com .



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