BlackKaji. A study of the unseen, unsound, unsuspecting, unsustainable, unstable. This is a series conceived by Ujikaji and The Observatory.
19 Jan 2020 (Su) 7:00 PM Tickets on the Door: SGD 12 (SGD 10 for full-time students / seniors / the unemployed)
Black Axis Blk L, 01-48 Goodman Arts Centre 90 Goodman Road
We are paddling towards a faint glow We have been adrift for too Long Dreaming of Sand from anywhere Softness to step on Softness to slip into A land imagined
But Nearing the source, a stunning Revelation
No lighthouse, only flames
The island is on fire
Burning trees before us
Black sea behind
And our weather-beaten raft, caught
Words by Mark Wong Art direction by Yuen Chee Wai
Performers Christoven Tan, Kok Siew Wai and Dirk Stromberg Jyun-Ao Caesar and Yong Yandsen Cheryl Ong (Playing an extended version of her track, Hejira, from the film A Land Imagined, in conjunction with the launch of the A Land Imagined DVD and OST)