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Forum Series: In Search of Singaporean Sounds [Online]

Online Steven Baxter Recital Studio Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music 27 Oct 2020 (Tu) 5:30 PM

Forum Series: In Search of Singaporean Sounds – Navigating Musical and Cultural Confluences

Churen LI, presenter and pianist CHEN Zhangyi, presenter


As Singapore’s arts scene matures, musicians are moving away from older models of emulating the West, and increasingly engaged with developing an individual voice. Born and (not completely) bred in Singapore, Churen LI and Asst Prof CHEN Zhangyi have pondered over the role that their Singaporean-ness plays in their approach to the art form that they are trained in, which, historically, operates under a Western paradigm. With reference to Yayoi Uno EVERETT’s taxonomy of musical transference/synthesis/syncretism, they explore possible resonances between Singaporean music and the dynamism of Singlish, while discussing some of the issues relating to identity, diaspora and syncretism through a lecture-recital centered on Singaporean piano music.

Drawing on their embodied knowledge as insiders to this musical and cultural phenomenon, YST faculty explore some of the issues relating to identity, diaspora and syncretism through a lecture-recital centered on Singaporean piano music.


Syafiqah ‘Adha SALLEHIN – Mahligai CHEN Zhangyi – Clima Wang Chenwei (CSS Full Member) – Mid-Autumn Festival

Due to COVID-19 related guidelines, this performance will only be offered virtually.



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