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ilysia_world1 (by Ilysia TAN)

10 Apr 2021 (Sa) 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM (45 min per time-slot) Gillman Barracks, 7 Lock Road, #01-13 Registration Link Only 50 audience members per time-slot. Upon confirmation, an email will be sent to you.

ilysia_world1 is a performance exhibition by Ilysia TAN from Malaysia. This is the message by Ilysia TAN:

ilysia_world1 is my upcoming (and biggest) project. I’m opening a performance exhibition to showcase my 3 latest works!

I’m Ilysia! I am a Malaysian composer currently living and studying in Singapore. I am graduating with Bachelors in Music Composition from Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in a few months, so I am very excited and a little bit nervous, also stressed!

For my upcoming (and biggest) project, I’m taking a multi-faceted approach and doing some things I’ve never done before: I’m opening an exhibition to showcase my 3 latest works:

Wait, what? Ilysia_world1? What is that?

Okok, I’ll explain! Usually composers from my school put on a small concert and have their works performed in school, but because of the pandemic, this model isn’t really workable. Nobody from outside the school is allowed to watch our concerts anymore! So lame… (-_-) That would mean that my family, friends from outside my school, and other arts appreciators in Singapore wouldn’t be able to see my work.

So instead of having a small concert in the school where nobody except my small circle of composer friends would be able to watch, I’ve decided to make an outside exhibition to showcase all of my works! This would let all of my family members, friends, and cool people I’ve met come and see what I’ve been up to for the past few years!

Speaking of which! The pieces that will be featured in this exhibition are some of my most ambitious:

  1. In-Cube-A-Tour (Incubator), a video game/virtual world/sonic installation built inside of the Unreal Engine featuring level, sound, and game design by me and my amazing game designer cousin, Brydon TAN

  2. Pecah!, a work for 2 vocalists and video installation composed for 2 totally prolific artists and also 2 of my best friends and mentors, Bani HAYKAL and Ila. Featuring text from a badass, underrated poet and dear friend, Hamid ROSLAN

  3. The Seductive Myth of Nature, a piece for 10 instrumentalists and field recordings. I completely stole the title of this piece from a very insightful book by Alan LEVINOVITZ – Natural: The Seductive Myth of Nature’s Goodness. Please read it, extremely interesting and enticing to read!



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