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Reflections – An Interdisciplinary Concert by MUSA The Collective (Singapore)

Esplanade Recital Studio 20 Feb 2021 (Sa) 8:00 PM 21 Feb 2021 (Su) 2:00 PM Esplanade ticket prices (excl. booking fees): SGD38 (normal), SGD27 (students, NSFs and seniors) Online at SISTIC Live stream from 22 Feb 2021 (M) 5 PM – 14 Mar 2021 (Su) 11:59 PM Online ticket prices: SGD15 (watch up to 3 times only)

滨海艺术中心音乐室 2月20日 (六), 晚上8时 2月21日 (日), 下午2时 现场观赏: SGD38, 在籍学生、国民服役人员及乐龄人士优惠票(有限): SGD27 从2月22日(一)至3月14日(日) 线上播放: SGD15 (只限登录SISTIC Live 观看线上演出3次)

Our time on earth is but a speck of dust when viewed through the lenses of infinite time.

MUSA The Collective invites you to reflect on our human experience through eight musical movements in one multisensory evening of inspiration.

Reflections is an interdisciplinary music performance centred around the reality of life that everything in it is ultimately impermanent. Featuring life stories, the intimate and paradoxical nuances of our lives are captured and put on display, illuminating a complex truth that is interwoven with contrasts and contradictions.

Rooted in traditional Chinese music and possessing a contemporary style, MUSA is a trio comprising twins Clara TAN Su-Min (zhongruan) and Sophy TAN Su-Hui (guzheng), and composer/arranger Dayn NG. They are joined in this concert—conceptualised together with sound artist and multimedia designer Mervin WONG, playwright Isaiah Christopher LEE and voice-over artist Andy PANG — by an ensemble featuring keyboards, erhu, viola, cello and percussion.

About MUSA

Formed in mid-2015, MUSA comprises of zhongruan soloist Su-Min, guzheng soloist Su-Hui, along with composer and arranger Dayn NG. The group believes in the creation of a new contemporary identity that is representative of Singapore’s interculturalism by preserving traditional elements of Chinese music and giving it a modern twist in their music.

MUSA’s original and rearrangements works can be found on their YouTube channel MUSA_sg, which has amassed more than 8 million views to date. The group has also been featured on various media outlets such as The Straits Times, Channel News Asia, Hello Singapore, 883 JIA FM. They have performed in several international events, such as for the Consulate General of the Republic of Singapore in Chennai, China-based television programmes such as Day Day Up and Chinese Music Banquet Season 2, and music festivals such as the Padang Indian Ocean Music Festival 2017 and Saarang Festival India 2019. They have previously premiered their original works at Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts and Moonfest – A Mid Autumn Celebration at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay.


“一沙一世界,一花窥天堂。”本地音乐组合MUSA The Collective 将用八篇乐章,刺激我们各个感官,重新省视生而为人的意义。


扎根华族传统音乐,绽放现代风格,MUSA The Collective的三位成员包括孪生姐妹陈素慧(古筝)、陈素敏(中阮)与制作人黄志耀。《空》由声音设计兼多媒体设计师黄伟杰,编剧李信恩与配音员方文杰共同制作,并结合键盘、二胡、中提琴、大提琴和打击乐,携手打造一场感官飨宴。




他们在 YouTube频道MUSA_sg上的原创和改编作品,至今已积累了超过800万的点击率。他们的作品更获多家媒体报道,如《海峡时报》、亚洲新闻台、《狮城有约》、883 JIA FM《与美香通行》。他们亦受邀为新加坡驻金奈总领事馆、中国知名电视节目《天天向上》表演,更代表新加坡参加广州广播电视台节目《国乐大点》第二季。他们也不时受邀参加音乐节,如2017年巴东印度洋音乐节和2019年印度萨朗音乐节等。除此,MUSA也是中国古筝网上的精选海外艺人,并应邀在滨海艺术中心呈献的《华艺节》和《艺满中秋》上首演了他们的原创作品。



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