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The Senate of Birds

23–27 Mar 2022 (W–Su) Online

When a crisis threatens the survival of the birds, they turn to their leaders for help. But will their leaders be able to come up with a solution? ‘The Senate of Birds’ is a multidisciplinary five-part online series produced by CSS Members PHOON Yu and Samuel PHUA, inspired by local bird species that can be found in Singapore. It will feature narration and dance accompanied by chamber and solo music specially written for this series by CSS Members GU Wei, LEE Jia Yi, Avik CHARI, CHEW Jun An, and KOH Cheng Jin.

The series will run from 23 Mar (W) to 27 Mar (Su), with each episode premiering at 8 PM SST/8 AM EST:

Episode I (The Yellow-Vented Bulbul), premiering on 23 Mar (W):

Episode II (The Pin-Striped Tit-Babbler), premiering on 24 Mar (Th):

Episode III (The Spotted Dove), premiering on 25 Mar (F):

Episode IV (The Germain’s Swiftlet), premiering on 26 Mar (Sa):

Episode V (The Common Iora), premiering on 27 Mar (Su):

This project is graciously supported by the National Arts Council (through the Self-Employed Person Grant), VCHPresents, and the Allan Chee Enterprise Group.



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